Koru Health Group was established in 2010 under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Hasan Biri and Prof. Dr. Aydan Biri to provide healthcare services within academic, qualified, and ethical standards. With Koru Ankara Hospital, Koru Sincan Hospital, and the 5-star Bolu Koru Hotel under its umbrella, it is a health service provider originating from Ankara, Turkey.
The group aims to be a growing healthcare institution that prioritizes academic and ethical values, focuses on patient satisfaction, and keeps pace with changes in all fields of medicine, thanks to its founders' background as physicians and academicians.
With its infrastructure, vision, and academic medical staff, the group continues to provide national and international healthcare services. All arrangements and human resources for the rapid, reliable, and comfortable service of foreign patients have been planned, and the International Patient Relations Department has provided outpatient and inpatient healthcare services to 8,500 - 10,000 foreign patients from 62 countries annually.
Koru Health Group has a physical infrastructure with a capacity of 301 beds. It offers all surgical, internal, imaging, and clinical laboratory services in a total area of 42,000 m2 with 71 intensive care beds, 31 neonatal intensive care beds, and 13 operating rooms.
Koru Ankara Hospital provides approximately 285,000 outpatient services and 35,000 same-day patient services annually. Approximately 30,000 surgeries and 4,000 deliveries are performed.
About 2,000 procedures are performed annually in the electrophysiology laboratory, and about 300 interventional procedures are performed in the Interventional Neuroradiology Clinic.
Koru Sincan Hospital provides approximately 100,000 outpatient services and 11,000 same-day patient services annually, with approximately 4,000 surgeries and 1,800 deliveries performed.
Koru Ankara Hospital continues to provide healthcare services in Radiation Oncology, Gamma Knife Treatment, Nuclear Medicine Radionuclide Treatment and PET CT Unit, Interventional Neuroradiology, Bone Marrow Transplant Center, Oncology, Obstetrics and Perinatology, and Urology-Urooncology, which provides services with Da Vinci Robot and Thulium Laser. In this context, all surgical, internal, imaging, and clinical laboratory services are provided at Koru Ankara Hospital.
As one of the specialized Robotic Surgery Centers where the Da Vinci Robotic Surgery System is actively used, Koru Ankara Hospital continues its perspective that prioritizes patient safety in robotic surgery operations in the fields of urology, gynecology, and obstetrics, and general surgery.
By following developments in all fields of medicine, Koru Health Group, with its physical infrastructure, updated technological equipment, and academic medical staff, provides services to patients from abroad as well as from Turkey.
about us
Koru Ankara Hastanesi; Radyasyon Onkolojisi, Gama Knife Tedavi, Nükleer Tıp Radyonüklid Tedavi ve PET CT Ünitesi, Girişimsel Nöroradyoloji, Kemik İliği Nakil Merkezi, Onkoloji, Kadın Doğum ve Perinatoloji, Da Vinci Robotu ve Thulium Lazerle hizmet veren Üroloji-Üroonkoloji ile sağlık hizmet sunumunda faaliyetlerine devam etmektedir. Bu kapsamda Koru Ankara Hastanesi’nde tüm cerrahi, dahili görüntüleme ve klinik laboratuvar hizmetleri sunulmaktadır.
Da Vinci Robotik Cerrahi Sisteminin aktif olarak kullanıldığı özellikli Robotik Cerrahi Merkezlerden olan Koru Ankara Hastanesi üroloji, kadın hastalıkları ve doğum, genel cerrahi branşlarında yaptığı robotik cerrahi ameliyatlarında hasta güvenliğini ön planda tutan bakış açısını devam ettirmektedir.
Tıbbın her alanındaki gelişmeleri takip ederek büyülen Koru Sağlık Grubu fiziki altyapısı, güncel teknolojik donanımı, akademik hekim kadrosuyla Türkiye’nin yanı sıra yurt dışından gelen hastalara da hizmet sunmaktadır.
Women's Health and Obstetrics Our Women's Health and Obstetrics Department provides a wide range of services related to women's reproductive health, including the monitoring of high-risk and normal pregnancies, pregnancy education, childbirth, menopause, osteoporosis, infertility, IVF, sexual diseases, uterus and ovarian cancers, and cyst treatments.
With our expert doctors and advanced imaging technologies, we effectively monitor the entire pregnancy process. Throughout the pregnancy, our team of experts provides support to parents regarding prenatal and postnatal check-ups, baby care, and ensuring a comfortable pregnancy.
Koru Women's Maternity Clinic Renovated Koru Ankara Hospital has moved to its new building in Çukurambar. With this new space, which is designed to be a mother, baby, and woman-friendly environment, our service areas have been physically renovated. Our delivery rooms, standard, suite, and king suite rooms offer patient care, and our 32-bed capacity 3rd level neonatal services equipped with high technology can provide care from 24 weeks onwards.
During the extraordinary process of pregnancy and childbirth, our expectant mothers receive continuous support from a birth companion who is by the mother's side at all times during childbirth. Our aim and service approach are to assist in the natural progression of childbirth as much as possible. In addition to the physician, an experienced and enthusiastic midwifery team is available day and night by the mother's side. In our clinic, which particularly supports normal delivery, post-cesarean normal delivery is performed, and the cesarean section approach is maintained for medical reasons.
Newborn care is provided by a team consisting of a neonatal professor, pediatric specialists, and experienced neonatal nurses, offering a service environment where all expectant mothers, especially those at high risk, can give birth safely.
In our clinics, we also use da Vinci Robotic Surgery. Our clinic actively uses robotic systems and laparoscopic systems in all benign (fibroids, cysts, etc.) and malignant (uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, etc.) gynecological problems.
Comfortable Delivery Rooms 32-bed 3rd Level Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Pregnancy Education Prenatal Yoga and Pilates Breastfeeding Education Infrastructure and Equipment 4D Ultrasonography devices Fetal monitors Cryotherapy and electrosurgery Colposcopy Office hysteroscopy Operative hysteroscopy Laparoscopic surgical systems Da Vinci Robotic surgical system
Diseases Diagnosed and Treated
Pregnancy follow-up
Risky pregnancies (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)
gynecological problems
Gynecological Oncological problems
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Diagnostic or Therapeutic Procedures During Pregnancy:
Advanced Ultrasonographic Examinations
Chorionic Villus Biopsy (taking a sample from the placenta)
Amniocentesis (taking a sample of amniotic fluid)
Cordocentesis (taking blood from the fetal cord)
Specialized Fetal Interventions (fetal blood transfusion, fluid replacement, other fetal biopsies)
High risk detection in double/triple/quadruple tests performed for Down syndrome screening
Obstetric Surgeries:
Cervical suture to prevent premature births and miscarriages
Emergency cervical cerclage
Normal vaginal birth (birth analgesia when necessary, methods to reduce pain)
Painless vaginal birth (=birth with epidural anesthesia)
Caesarean section (spinal, epidural, general anesthesia)